INTHEBLACK October/November 2024 - Magazine - Page 55
“We are too quick to default to email because we perceive it as easy, but I think many
of us have been caught in ‘email ping pong’ for weeks sometimes, when a five-minute
phone call would have been much more effective.”
“One thing I teach people is to use their
‘out-of-office’ to manage expectations around
email,” Mether says.
In her workshops, Mether encourages
everyone to turn on their “out-of-office”
for the day. “You can check your inbox
periodically and choose to respond to emails,
and let people know to contact you via text
message if it is urgent.”
Murphy recommends adopting a policy of
replying to all emails within 24 to 48 hours.
“That does not necessarily mean you will be
able to resolve the situation in your reply,” Murphy
says. She suggests sending a prompt courtesy
response for matters requiring more time.
“It is just a short, simple email that says,
‘Thanks for your inquiry. I’ll look into this and
get back to you within a certain timeframe’.
It is better to keep people informed about
where you are at rather than holding off
and getting back to them after a week.”
Murphy also suggests turning off
notifications and setting up rules to filter
out low priority emails like newsletters.
“They are better off not being in your inbox,”
she says. “They should be filtered into a
separate reading folder, which you can check
when you like.”
Mether advises using a different platform
for urgent matters, such as instant messaging
or a phone call. If a paper trail is needed,
follow up a verbal or online conversation
with a confirmation email.
Mether recommends clearly stating if an
email requires a speedy or specific reply.
“You have got to be clear in your subject
line if there’s action required. It might be,
‘For approval by 5pm today’,” she says. ■
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