INTHEBLACK March 2025 - Magazine - Page 29
Lyons says there are many ways to make
these roles flexible.
“For example, we’ve brought in or
advertised roles as part-time, but in other
instances, we’ve worked with individuals
to understand what they need and how they
can be successful in our organisation.
“Our expectation is that we need 50-50
in our workforce to get diversity of thinking,”
adds Lyons. “We get better safety results,
because there are people looking at things
with fresh eyes and questioning how we
do things.”
Lyons adds that Viva Energy’s senior
leadership group is currently 50-50 men
and women.
“We’ve made progress on getting women
into non-traditional roles, but we still have
a long way to go.”
Data from WGEA shows that while
21 per cent of employees in Australia
worked part-time in 2022-23, only 7 per cent
of managers were employed part-time.
The agency’s data also shows that at every
age group, fewer than 50 per cent of women
work full-time and that gender differences
in pay and senior leadership generally widen
throughout life. Women are twice as likely
as men to be working part-time and casually
from age 35.
“The number of part-time roles at
leadership level are small, but growing,”
says Mary Wooldridge, CEO of WGEA.
“As we get examples and case studies
of this happening and better insight into
how it can work seamlessly and effectively,
it reinforces that [part-time leadership roles
are] possible and doable. What’s critical
is for employers to be open to different ways
of working, and different ways of designing
jobs that enable a broader range of people
to participate in the workforce.” ■
to ths story
an article about
how accountants
can accelerate
women’s economic
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