INTHEBLACK July/August 2023 - Magazine - Page 33
Election to
Divisional Council
Call for nominations
CPA Australia has Divisions in
each Australian state and territory,
New Zealand, Europe, Greater
China, Malaysia and Singapore.
The Divisional Councils’ key role is member
engagement and local support for CPA Australia,
and in helping maintain the integrity of the
designation. Divisional Councils are an important
link between the members and CPA Australia’s
Board and the organisation more broadly.
Depending on the size and complexity of
the Division, specialty interest and sector
committees or networks may support the work
of Divisional Councils in member engagement
and advocacy activities.
Elections are held annually to fill vacancies
that arise due to the rotation and retirement
of Divisional Councillors.
CPA Australia is seeking nominations for election
to Divisional Councils for the term commencing
1 January 2024 and ending 31 December 2026.
Those members who hold the necessary
membership status as set out in Article 63 (c)
of the Constitution, may nominate for election
to the Divisional Council for their Division.
Eligible members who wish to stand for election
should visit our website for further information
and to complete a nomination form.
Find out more
Nominations open 10 July and must be submitted
by no later than 5pm (AEST) on Wednesday
9 August 2023.
Where there are more nominations than vacancies,
a ballot will be held over the period 20 September
to 16 October 2023. 33