INTHEBLACK February 2025 - Magazine - Page 17
1. Make sure what you do aligns to your purpose and values: You will never
go wrong by doing what you are passionate about. It will give you a sense
of belonging and make a difference to others and yourself.
2. Be prepared to work hard and engage in continuous learning:
Whether it is developing technical skills, emotional intelligence or building
relationships, persevere for self-improvement.
3. Take opportunities that come your way: Despite fear and self-doubt,
and even in difficult situations or when you think you are an imposter,
give it a go — you might surprise yourself.
4. Self-care: It is a marathon, not a sprint, so make sure you take time out
to look after yourself. Do not forget to laugh every day and keep everything
in perspective. Life is way too short not to.
an article on the
top skills for CFOs
with CPA Australia’s
Career Suite courses
an article about
relationship building
for introverts 17